Extensive consultation process to establish the need for and Business Case for a Centre in Cranmore Sligo, including workshops with local CLGs and the Local Authority, as well as the review of, and Business Planning for, models of best practice, i.e. legal structure, management structure, financial planning, viability and sustainability.
Project details
- Extensive consultation with local groups and the local authority to ensure ‘buy in’ and ownership
- Facilitating workshops with the CLGs and representatives, to identify priorities for the local community, while taking into consideration other facilities and services available within the community and wider Sligo Town
- Research into, including visits to, models of good practice, identifying potential strengths, opportunities and learning experiences for the proposed new Centre
- Presenting the various options for the various legal structures regarding the management of the new Centre, including ownership, leasing, and appropriateness of a new CLG to manage the Centre.
- Having agreed on a new CLG to manage the Centre, the most effective management structures were presented to the representatives, and a ‘joint committee’ formed to comprise the Board of Directors for the new CLG.
- The priorities for the services and facilities to be included in the new Centre were presented to Sligo County Council, whose architecture office has since prepared detailed sketches and presentations, which have been launched in the Community
- Research into the operational costs and potential sources of income, based upon the models of good practice
- A Business Plan has been prepared, for submission to the department
- Analysis of the need and demand for the Centre
- Proposed legal and management structure (including governance)
- Comparison with models of good practice
- Financial Projections, including 5‐year annual Profit & Loss Projections and Cash Flows