€356,000 approved to support Newport Business Hub and Town Design Statement
Mayo County Council and Newport & District Development Company (NADDCo) are jointly responsible for, and in the process of the delivery of a community led Town Design Statement for the town of Newport, which includes the provision of two Significant Public Realm Spaces and a Business Enterprise Hub.
The funding secured under the RRDF, totalling €356,000, will support the following steps required for the delivery of the Town Design Statement:
- Step 1: The completion of Newport’s Town Design Statement
- Step 2: The acquisition of the final property plot to proceed with the Business Enterprise Hub
- Step 3: The Design and Planning Permission of Public Realm Spaces & Business Enterprise Hub
- Step 4: The Construction of the Public Realm Spaces & Business Enterprise Hub
Project details
- Submission to Rural Regeneration and Development Fund
- Overview of the project
- Key steps and milestones
- Project Rationale, identifying existing assets, amenities, accessibility, environmental aspects, etc. and any deficits that need to be addressed or opportunities to be built upon
- Demonstrate how project builds upon existing or previous regeneration projects in the area
- Describe the innovation and additionality being applied in the approach, which will stimulate rural regeneration and make a lasting impact on the town, area and region
- Outline the consultation that has taken place with stakeholders, beneficiaries, business community, local community groups, etc., in relation to the proposal and outcome of the consultation process
- Outline any issues that need to be address, on foot of the consultation process
- Link the project to the National Strategic Outcomes in the National Planning Framework
- Outline how the project meets the National Strategic Outcomes
- Outline how the proposal links with, and contributes to, County Development Plans, Local Economic and Community Plans, Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies, and other local or regional development plans
- Identify the economic and social impacts the proposal will have on rural areas or communities, e.g. jobs, investment, housing provision, place-making, etc.), including targets and metrics against which progress will be measured
- Outline the economic/social indicators or other performance metrics (e.g. job creation,
visitor numbers, enterprises supported, housing/commercial units completed), which will
be used to measure the project’s success against the project’s objectives, and the source of
these indicators - Provide projected annual targets/metrics for the project
- Demonstrate the sustainability of the project, as well as its suitability for replication in other parts of the region or country
- Outline the processes which will be put in place to evaluate this project and the proposed
timelines for such evaluations (whether ex-ante, interim or ex-post) - Provide details of the total cost of the project and proposed sources of finance, funding and contributions
- Describe the Value for Money assessment carried out as part of the process, in accordance with the Public Spending Code